July 2014: Hello Go, Movie Night.
Pizza provided (at 6:30 pm). Please RSVP at Meetup and/or Google+.
Hello Go
Bring your laptop. Whether you're using Atom, Sublime Text or vim on Linux, Mac or Windows, we'll help everyone get setup with a productive Go environment. If you already have the perfect setup, come help those who don't. (slides, source)
Movie Night
Be inspired. Stay to watch Go for gophers by Andrew Gerrand (video, slides).
- Senior QA Engineer at Cisco in Calgary.
- Open Sourcing Our Go Librarires by Dropbox
- Go at OSCON - July 20-29th
- Go Microprojects
- Bugsnag supports Go
- Get Your Development Team Started With Go by DigitalOcean
- Farewell Node.js by TJ Holowaychuk
- Go: pay upfront or get a credit line by Matt Aimonetti
- Why I Don't Miss Generics Anymore by Jonathan Oliver
- Composition Instead of Inheritance in Go by Baron Schwartz
- 9 Things I Like About Go by Matt Butcher
- Ten Useful Techniques in Go by Fatih Arslan
Online Talks
- Sourcegraph at Google I/O 2014 - A large-scale code search engine in Go (article)
- Scaling with Go: YouTube's Vitess by Sugo Sougoumarane
- Introduction to Go by James Bowes
- Building An Editor Package For Go by Joe Fitzgerald
- Gopher Community on Slack
- Job board at golangprojects.com (Twitter)
- More news at Golang Weekly and Newspaper.IO
- Code Gangsta Screencasts
- Code Retreat - August 10
- Edmonton Go Meetup - August (Planning)