August 2014: Zombie robot hack night.
Please RSVP at Meetup and/or Google+.
Hack Night
Bring your laptop. Pair up and control a Sphero using Go. We're building a multi-player zombie game with Gobot. (slides, code)
- 6:30pm Devour the provided pizza.
- 7:00pm Program room for a short presentation.
- 7:20pm Form teams and setup around the Sphero arena.
Online Talks
- The State of Go by Andrew Gerrand
- Why We Use Go at Apcera by Derek Collison
- Testing Techniques by Andrew Gerrand
- "Lexical Scanning in Go" and "Cuddle: an App Engine Demo"
- More at GopherVids
- The Go Programming Language
- Gopher Community on Slack
- Job board at (Twitter) and we love golang
- News at Golang Weekly and Newspaper.IO