October 2014: The Standard Library.
We get started at 6:30 pm.
Pizza provided. Please RSVP at Meetup and/or Google+.
Using Hugo
Hugo is a fast and modern static website engine written in Go. Use it to for your blog or website.
I came for the easy concurrency, I stayed for the easy composition
A talk from dotGo (video, source)
The Go Standard Library
Daniel Huckstep is the author of Go, The Standard Library.
- dotGo live blog
- dotGo 2014 videos
- Gopher Interviews
- Book: Building Web Apps With Go by Jeremy Saenz
- Run Go On The Intel Edison With Gobot
- Why Go? by Mike Perham
- Why One Developer Chose Go by Cory Lanou
- From Ruby to Go: a rewrite for the future (Scout)
- Why Everyone Hates Go by Nate Finch
- Deploying Go servers with Docker by Andrew Gerrand
- Wednesday Hack Nights - October 29
- Monthly Hackathon - November 1
- GothamGo - November 15 in New York
- Go Workshop - January 24, 2015
- Edmonton Go Meetup - November