February 2015: Gala Postmortem & Databases.
Food at 6:30 pm. Talks at 7:00.
Please RSVP at Meetup or Google+.
Go and Databases
Brett McKay (slides)
- Go 1.4.2
- Hugo 0.13.0
- Go in Go (dev.cc merged to master, docs)
- Building Microservices by Sam Newman
- Trumpet in Calgary, AB is hiring for Go and C/C++
- Gift (Gopher Gala) by Scott Brooks
- Edmonton Go is looking for sponsors for food
Articles and Talks
- The State of Go by Andrew Gerrand
- Interview: Gopher Andrew Gerrand
- GopherCon India Live Blog
- Go Challenge - March 1-15
- Startup Weekend EDU - March 6-8 - Early Bird Tickets $75
- Monthly Hackathon - March 14
- Polyglot AB - March 28 in Calgary
- GopherCon 2015 - July 8-9 at the Colorado Convention Center
- Edmonton Go Meetup - March