February 2016: Go 1.6 release party
Please RSVP at Meetup or Google+.
We get things started at 6:30 pm.
Food provided by Bellstone Engineering.
Venue provided by Startup Edmonton.
eBook Giveaway from Manning Publications:
- Go in Practice by Matt Butcher and Matt Farina
- MongoDB in Action, Second Edition by Kyle Banker, Peter Bakkum, Shaun Verch, Douglas Garrett, and Tim Hawkins
- Redis in Action by Josiah Carlson
Go 1.6 was released on February 17th. We will be discussing the changes during our February meetup.
What's new in html/template?
Brett McKay will cover blocks and other new features in text/template and html/template. (code)
What's new in managing third-party dependencies?
The Go 1.6 build tool officially supports building code placed under a vendor/
folder in your project. Gerrit Renker will tell us more. (slides)
What's new in cgo?
Go has new rules for pointer inter-op when calling C from Go. Matthias Stone will give us the details. (slides)
What's new in net/http?
Nathan Youngman will share his experiences using HTTP/2, a new feature in Go 1.6. (slides)
- Go 1.6 is released
- Go 1.6 release party (around the world)
- Go GC: Prioritizing Low Latency and Simplicity by Rick Hudson (video)
- Gopher Gala: Announcing Our 2016 Winners
- So you want to write a package manager by Sam Boyer
- curl-to-Go