May 2018: versions
Meetup #49. Please RSVP at Meetup.
We get started at 6:30 pm.
Venue provided by Startup Edmonton.
Food sponsored by Bellstone Engineering.
Versioning in Go
- The vgo proposal is accepted. Now what? by Russ Cox
- Failure Modes by Sam Boyer
- Go: From Godep To vgo, A Commentated History by Matt Farina
- Go vgo: A Broken Dependency Tree by Matt Farina
- Go vgo: Semantic Versioning and Human Error by Matt Farina
- An Analysis of vgo by Sam Boyer (reddit | hn)
- The Principles of Versioning in Go (video)
- Dependencies and the future of Go (podcast)
- A Proposal for Package Versioning in Go
- proposal: add package version support to Go toolchain
- Thoughts on vgo and dep by Sam Boyer
- Building Predictability into Your Pipeline with Russ Cox, Jess Frazelle, Sam Boyer and Pete Garcin (video)
- Go & Versioning by Russ Cox
- The New Era of Go Package Management by Sam Boyer (video)
- Version SAT by Russ Cox
- dep
- Go Package Management (Google Group)
- Go's New Brand
- GopherCon Scholarships (Women Who Go)
- Monthly Hack Day - Jun 2
- Exchange.js - Jun 7
- GopherCon UK - Aug 1-3 (scholarships)
- GopherCon - Aug 27-30 (scholarships)
- Edmonton Go Meetup - June