July 2018: Hugo
Meetup #51. Please RSVP at Meetup.
We get started at 6:30 pm.
Venue provided by Startup Edmonton.
Food sponsored by Bellstone Engineering.
Hugo Tidbits
Behind the scenes with a contributor to Hugo.
What's new in Hugo
Hugo is a static site generator useful for blogs, marketing websites, and so on. We'll take a quick look at Hugo Pipes, the new asset pipeline, and how it simplifies deployment.
Build and deploy a tiny website with Hugo.
You will need:
- A laptop (or make a friend who has one and pair program).
- An idea for a small website that you want to build.
- Some familiarity with HTML, CSS, Markdown, and the command line.
- Willingness to learn, ask questions, and lookup documentation.
Try to come prepared:
- Install Hugo Extended from gohugo.io. Use Homebrew on macOS:
brew install hugo
- Signup for an account with Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean, or Netlify.
Expect to learn:
- Why use SASS: CSS with superpowers
- Hugo themes with Go templates
- Automating deployments with CircleCI 2.0
- Basic design principles for non-designers
News & Articles
- Go 1.11 beta 2
- Go modules have landed (vgo)
- Taking Go modules for a spin by Dave Cheney
- Go modules by Xavier Lucas
- Using Go modules with Travis CI by Dave Cheney
- Using Go for WebAssembly Applications by Sebastian Holstein
- Go 1.11: WebAssembly for the gophers by Nicolas Lepage
- Web Assembly and Go: A look to the future by Brian Ketelsen
- Getting to Go: The Journey of Go's Garbage Collector by Rick Hudson
- Software Developer at Yardly (Edmonton)
- The Go Team at Google (relocation required)
- Dev Tooling at ActiveState (Vancouver, potentially remote)
- Senior Backend Developer at Ardan Labs (remote)
- GopherCon UK - Aug 1-3 (scholarships)
- GopherCon - Aug 27-30 (scholarships)
- Monthly Hack Day - Sep 8
- Startup Week - Oct 15-19 (workshop)
- Edmonton Go Meetup - August