Two Year Recap: Thank you

Two years ago Edmonton Go was just an idea. Thanks to Startup Edmonton for generously providing the space, and to Daniel Huckstep for the requisite kick-in-the-pants, January 27, 2014 marked our first meetup.

Together we've enjoyed talks, discussions, code reading, hack nights, videos, workshops, cake eating, sphero battles, and other activities. A dozen people delivered 34 talks, sharing their knowledge and experience with everyone. Thank you so much for your contribution!

If you would like to revisit past talks, presentation slides are often available. An alphabetical list of speakers follows:

Abram Hindle:

Brett McKay:

Chris Olsen:

Curtis Collicutt:

  • Software Defined Networking with Gerrit Renker (August 2015)

Daniel Huckstep:

Fletcher Nichol:

Gerrit Renker:

Matthias Stone:

Nathan Youngman:

Nicholas Boers:

Prateek Srivastava:

Scott Brooks:

It's been a great two years, and I'm looking forward to what 2016 holds. If you would like to participate in the planning of future events, join the discussion on GitHub.

Have a very Merry Christmas, and see you all in January.